Understanding Advocates’ Immunity: When You Cannot Sue Your Lawyer

Understanding Advocates’ Immunity: When You Cannot Sue Your Lawyer Introduction: The concept of advocates’ immunity has been a subject of robust discussion within the Australian legal community, particularly following the recent decision in Cappello v Lyons [2023] by the NSW Court of Appeal. This landmark ruling has significant implications for legal practitioners and their clients…

Understanding Section 173 Agreements: What Every Landowner Should Know – The Comprehensive Guide to Section 173 Agreements in Property Law

The Comprehensive Guide to Section 173 Agreements in Property Law Property law is a vast and intricate domain, often marked by specific terms and agreements that hold immense importance for landowners, developers, and stakeholders alike. Among the myriad of terminologies and legal contracts, the Section 173 Agreement, under the Planning and Environment Act (PE Act),…

Challenging Times Ahead: Victoria’s Tax Evolution with the State Taxation Bill 2023

Challenging Times Ahead: Victoria’s Tax Evolution with the State Taxation Bill 2023 – Navigating Victoria’s Changing Tax Landscape In this comprehensive breakdown of the State Taxation Acts and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2023, we delve into the profound transformations set to redefine the Victorian tax landscape. A Focus on Land Tax and WGT Adjustments Starting…

Unravelling the Distinction Between Solicitors and Public Notaries – 3 Key Differences

Unravelling the Distinction Between Solicitors and Public Notaries In the realm of legal services, the roles of solicitors and public notaries in Victoria, Australia, are distinct yet complementary. Both play crucial roles in facilitating legal transactions, but they serve different functions and have varying responsibilities. This article aims to elucidate the key differences between solicitors…

Amendments to the Will – What is a Codicil?

A codicil is a legal document that is used to modify, amend, or supplement an existing last will. It is an addition to the original will rather than a complete replacement. A codicil allows a testator (the person who made the original will) to make minor changes to their will without having to create an…

Running a business as a company

What is a Company? A company is a distinct legal entity separate from its shareholders or officers. It can enter into contracts and sue other entities. Other entities can also sue it. The most common types of company are: ‘proprietary limited’ companies (Pty Ltd) – a private (not public) company that does not sell its…

You Can’t Hide – Your Duty of Disclosure in Family Law

People involved in family law matters have a duty to disclose all information and documents that are relevant to their case, and which are, or have been, in their possession or which they have the authority or ability to obtain. The duty of disclosure starts from the time that you first commence negotiations until your…

Family Law Property Settlement

What are your settlement options when you and your ex are amicable and can reach an out of court agreement? Consent Orders You could finalise your property and parenting matters by way of so-called Consent Orders. Consent Orders are court orders agreed by the parties and approved by a court as fair and reasonable. To…

How long does it take to finalise a deceased estate?


The time it takes to finalise an estate depends on what must be done and how long it takes for each step to be completed. Often third parties such as banks and companies in which the estate has shares are required to supply information and this can take some time to receive. It is prudent…

Have you registered your .au domain yet?


You have until 20 September 2022 to seek priority allocation of an .au direct domain name matching your existing domain name! So, if you have currently registered mybusiness.com.au , you can now also be registered as and become mybusiness.au. Existing domain name licence holders have until 20 September 2022 to register their .au equivalent(s) after…